Is Self Love a Radical Act?

Love is an essential human emotion. But is self love? Maybe as much as self hate? Love yes, but when that love is poured out into the world for all to bath in, that love radiates from every cell in our body, and becomes a gift for all around us.

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Molly Tipping
Panic Attacks and People Pleasing

It can feel like Panic attacks spontaneously arise, but they are often building for weeks or months, and subtle threat responses like appeasement or socially acceptable behaviours like people pleasing can underpin their rise.

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Molly Tipping
Generalised Anxiety or Generalised Fabulousness?!

Generalised Anxiety is debilitating because the brain has become expert at being anxious. But all kinds of generalising exist. We can generalise balance, maths puzzles, baking, board games, painting, playing instruments. And we can generalise ease, comfort, calm, confidence, joy, pleasure, playfulness…

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Molly Tipping
Is Excitement a good reframe for Anxiety?

If you are quick to get anxious excitement is not a great reframe. Anxiety and Excitement are highly sympathetic states - Elevated heart rate, blood in the muscles, BUTTERFLIES in the stomach, SPEEDY, wriggly and sweaty. (they share about 80% of the same neurology). What we need is something completely different.

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Molly Tipping
Becoming a Truly Consensual Somatic Practitioner

Feldenkrais is one of the most consensual movement practices I know. We mostly move alone, at our own pace, respect our limits and rest when we want. As a touch practitioner I’m sensing the limits of each clients body with precision. But this last decade I’ve been interrogating what it is to be a truly consensual practitioner.

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Molly Tipping
Going with the Flow and other Somatic Practices

One of the tenants of Feldenkrais is to go with the flow, we call it ‘going with the pattern’. We allow the nervous system to do what it is doing. We go with its preference and its bias. This is deeply comforting for the nervous system and it softens with thankfulness.

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Molly Tipping
Why Lying Down is an Artistic Super Power

Ever felt stuck in a rut? In the upright position, we are habituated in our personalities, and habituated in the way we are engaged in the world. When we lie down, all of that falls away. We surrender to gravity and we give up those habituated patterns and enter a state where our mind and muscles are in more of a blank slate space.

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Reflections from a Nighttime Walker

I am a nighttime walker. Having never settled on a routine of Netflix at night, when my work day is done, if I'm not ready for books in bed, I'm called outside to wander. There is something wonderful about seeing your city at dark.

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Molly Tipping